Jaymie Kelly- Urgent Action Needed!


Dear JP Morgan Chase,

My name is Jaymie “Jayne D.” Kelly and I was born in the house on the other end of the block from where I currently live.  I lived in that house for 24 years.  To assert my independence, I moved half a block down and rented a 1 bedroom right next to my brother’s family.  When my late husband and I married in 1979, we wanted to buy a house near my elderly parents to help care for them.  We jumped when this house became available, excited to raise a family on the same block where I have lived for 55 of my 63 years.  Now, Chase Bank wants to throw me out.


I had always admired this house as a child, had thought it was a castle.  Buying it for $75,000 was a dream come true.  I knew everyone in the neighborhood and made friends with new families, many I met through play dates for my daughter.  I have lived in this house for 30 years and I will not pack up my life to try and start somewhere else.

Had I not run into a predatory lender after my husband died, my house would have been fully paid off in August.  I paid my mortgage for 28 years, in total around $425,000, and even after the predatory loan sent me spiraling to catch up–until I just couldn’t balance the bills any longer.  Chase demanded $255,000 from me before auctioning my house off in a sheriff sale, when Chase bought it back at the current market value of $81,000!  My roots are firmly embedded in this neighborhood, I am a part of this community, and I want the deal Chase gave to themselves!

If Chase has a proven commitment to the community like they advertise, why won’t they work with me, as a lifetime member of the Powderhorn community?  I want Chase to write me a new mortgage to the current market value for my home, $81,000.  I have already paid for my house five times over so it’s not as if I’m not asking for a bailout.  I refuse to move.  I demand a fair negotiation.  

My life here is like a banyon tree with roots spreading deeply into the Powderhorn community.  I never thought I would be in this position.  Support my victory over Chase’s attempt to uproot me and my family.  Please sign my petition, and ensure I remain in my house as the same stable member of the community I have always been.  


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